Registration Guidelines:

  • 50% discount for residents. Participants who register as Resident must submit a copy of official status letter or ID to the executive secretariat at fax 009821-88671777 or

  • Rhinology Research Society (RRS) member registrants will benefit from significant discounts compared to non-member registrants. If you are not a member, you can join society by filling RRS registration form from the registration system before filling congress registration. RRS registration fee is 50 € for physicians and 25 € for residents.

  • Online registration is available until October 30, 2008. Click here to register.

  • Full payment is required for confirmation of registration.

  • Delegates, instructional course teachers, presenting oral and poster authors are required to register at the congress.

  • The following services are given for each registered participant: Welcome Reception, Galla Dinner, Presidental Reception, admission to all talks, congress materials, coffee breaks, 4 lunches and access to congress tours.

  • The following services are given to the accompanying person registrants: Welcome Reception, Galla Dinner, Presidental Reception, coffee breaks, 4 lunches and access to congress tours.

Congress Registration Fees (in Euro):

(Until 30 September)
(Until 30 October)
On Site
(RRS member)
200 € 300 € 400 €
(RRS non-member)
350 € 450 € 550 €
(RRS member)
100 € 150 € 200 €
(RRS non member)
175 € 225 € 275 €
Accompanying Person 125 € 125 € 125 €
Ehxibitors 125 € 125 € 125 €

Course and Workshop Registration Fees (in Euro):

Instruction Course
Basic FESS:
Surgical anatomy of the sinuses
Surgery and anatomy of the frontal sinus
Complications of sinus surgery
Management of acute complication of sinus surgery
Brent Senior
20 € Instruction Course
Revision Rhinoplasty
Nolst Trenite
40 €
Rhinoplasty live operative demonstration
Nolst Trenite
180 €
Instruction Course
Nasal Valve Surgery
Nolst Trenite
20 € Instruction Course
Endonasal tip plasty. Is it a dying art?
Pietro Palma
40 €
Instruction Course:
Clinical implications of some particular septal deformities: From inheritance to cleft LIP/PALATE
Ranko Mladina
20 € Instruction Course
Facelift Surgery for the Otolaryngologist
Stephen Park
40 €
Instruction Course
Interesting Video clips of Sinonasal Endocopic Sinus Surgerey
Reda Kamel
20 € Instruction Course
Aesthetic oral implants
Kaveh Seydan
40 €
Advances in the Use of injectable filler materials
Correy Maas
80 € Instruction Course
Botox and new neuromodulators: advanced techniques
Correy Maas
80 €
Instruction Course
Pearl & Pitfalls of Primary Rhinoplasty
Stephan Park
40 € Instruction Course
Bleeding in Endonasal Sinus Surgery: How to Avoid and how to Control
Heinz Stammberger
20 €
Instruction Course
Basic techniques in primary rhinoplasty:
Suture techniques in rhinoplasty
Grafts in rhinoplasty
Fazil Apaydin
40 € Workshop
FESS Cadaveric Demonstration Dissection
Heinz Stammberger
180 €
Instruction Course:
10 rules how to avoid complications in endosopic sinus surgery
Ranko Mladina
20 € Instruction Course
Successful Management of Sinusitis:
Medical management of sinusitis
Where does sinusitis come from (a review of current ideas)?
Brent Senior
20 €
Instruction Course
Beautiful Smile
Kaveh Seydan
40 € Instruction Course:
Open technique in rhinoplasty: when, why and how?
Ranko Mladina
40 €
Instruction Course
Advanced FESS:
Image guided sinus surgery with recent advances
endoscopic skull base surgery/tumor surgery
Minimally invasive pituitary surgery
Brent Senior
20 € Instruction Course
Advanced FESS II:
Endoscopic DCR: Technique and Manometric Measurement of Lachrymal Sac Pressure
Advanced Techniques in Transnasal Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Powered Instrumentation in Endoscopic Sinonasal surgery
Image Guided Surgery [IGS] in sinonasal, orbital and anterior skull base lesions
Reda Kamel
20 €
Instruction Course
Fungi in Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS): The Evidence for the
"Fungal-Immunolgic" Theory
Eugene Kern
20 € Instruction Course
The scoliotic nose. Treatment options
Pietro Palma
20 €
Instruction Course
Endonasal endoscopic orbital decompression
Ranko Mladina
20 € Instruction Course
Advanced Lift:
Advanced facelift techniques
Endoscopic browlifting: fixation techniques and new adhesives
Correy Maas
40 €
Instruction Course
Advanced FESS I:
Transnasal Endoscopic Approach in Congenital Choanal Atresia
Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery of the Sino-orbital lesions
Skull Base Defects: New Classification and Guidelines for Endoscopic Management
Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery of Benign Sinonasal Tumours
Reda Kamel
20 € Instruction Course
Approaches to the nasal tip and hum presection and micro-osteotomies
Nolst Trenite
20 €
Instruction Course
Balloon Sinuplasty: A practical approach
Paulo Castelnouvo
20 € Instruction Course
Endoscopic Approaches to the Frontal Sinus: “Uncapping the Egg”
Heinz Stammberger
20 €
Instruction Course
Management of difficult nose:
Crooked nose
Difficult deviations of the nasal septum
Tip surgery
Saddle nose
Fazil Apaydin
40 € Instruction Course
Pre and post operative considerations in rhinoplasty
Correy Maas
40 €
Instruction Course
Operative facial plastic videos:
Face lifting
Bashar Bizrah
40 € Instruction Course
Endoscopic Rhino-Neurosurgery: Pituitary, Clivus, Skull Base and Beyond
Heinz Stammberger
20 €
Instruction Course
Endoscopic Anatomy as Relates to Complications and their Avoidance
Heinz Stammberger
20 € Instruction Course
Two neglected clinical entities: THS (Two Holes Syndrome) and REAKS (Recurrent Epistaxis from Kiesselbakh's Area Syndrome)
Ranko Mladina
20 €
Prevention of Orbital and Cranial Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Cadaver Dissection Guide
Reda Kamel
250 € Instruction Course
The perfect nose: a structured approach to open rhinoplasty
Correy Maas
40 €
Instruction Course
Operative rhinoplasty videos:
Crooked nose
Saddling augmentation
Bashar Bizrah
40 € Workshop
Instruction Course
Botulinum Toxin A
Stephen Park
80 €
FESS Hands-on cadaver dissection workshop
Hamed Sajadi
250 € Workshop
FESS Hands-on cadaver dissection workshop
Reda Kamel
250 €